Office Makeover...well, sort of

Originally Posted: 2/3/11

Ok, so really it's more like a desk makeover...but stay with me people.  I live in a one-bedroom apartment so there isn't a whole lotta space.  There is only one place for me to have my desk and it happens to be in my bedroom...yuk!!  So moving past that...My goal this year is to decrapify declutter this little ole apartment and I had to start here!  The office...eerr...desk!

There's just so much stuff in such little space!

My #1 goal was to get rid of the crap stuff I no longer used or needed.
My #2 goal was to have as little as possible on top of the desk. (You know...less visual clutter)
And...I needed to deal with this problem...

That's the space between my desk and my Hope Chest.  So I bought this little beauty at Ross's.

A perfect fit!  Well, almost, I did have to slide the hope chest over.

Next issue was dealing with the filing cabinet
Top Drawer
 Middle Drawer
 Bottom Drawer
The first step was to take everything out.
Then I separated things into piles...Trash, Donate, Needs Different Location, & Belongs in the filing cabinet.

 After that, I cleaned the drawers and added a shelf liner paper.
So much cuter!  Is that a word?  Cuter?  Or is it more cute? 
 Anyway...I digress...

Then I put the "keeps" back in the drawers organized and in cute baskets!
 The top drawer is rather small and can't hold baskets, so I've deemed it my bill-paying drawer.  I keep my monthly budget, checkbook, check register notebook, bills, receipts, in here.
The middle drawer houses these cute baskets from Big Lots.  It holds notepads, markers& note cards, and the last one has tape (well an empty tape dispenser) and binder clips. Side note...I'll show you the bottom drawer with the files in a later post. **EDIT** You can check out the rest of the office makeover HERE

So where did all the other stuff go??
Funny you should ask...remember her?
The top basket holds envelopes, address book, and Print Master software.
 The middle one holds my electronics and the smaller basket has all my iPod accessories.
 The bottom basket holds blank CDs, picture CDs, and cd sleeves.

I moved the printer off the top of my desk and put it underneath.

So now I have a clean desktop and I. am. in. love!

I moved a lamp from another place to put on the desk.  And it's plugged into the outlet that is turned on with the switch by the door...SCORE!  I plan to add a shelf above the monitor and want to add a few decorative touches.
But I have a problem...
See those cords...I can't move them...any ideas on how to hide them??

So here's another look...

So what do you think?  Any ideas on how to hide those cords? 


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